
Home Mode | Surveillance Station

Home Mode 提供直覺的介面方便切換不同模式。您可登入Surveillance Station 一鍵切換、設定排程定時切換,或是開啟DS cam 的地理柵欄功能,偵測您是否遠離監控現場,並自動 ...

Surveillance Station 會在何時進入Home Mode?

若您在Home Mode > 排程已進行設定,Surveillance Station 將依據排程切換至Home Mode。如下圖,進入及離開Home Mode 的時間點如藍色框所示。

Surveillance Station Home Mode Config : rsynology

In Home Mode go to Settings and make sure Enable the setting of recording and Enable the setting of notification are CHECKED. In the  ...

Home Mode:根據手機網路位置地理圍欄自動監控錄影通知推播

透過DS cam 應用程式中的Home Mode,Synology Surveillance Station 可以根據我們是否在附近自動切換通知設定或錄製設置.

Synology Surveillance Station在Home mode時如何停止動作偵測?

目前正在摸索Surveillance Station,尤其是Home mode。 ... 我有嘗試到home mode的設定>錄影裡客製錄影排程,但是警報還是會跑出來。 想請問可以設置進入home ...

Home Mode in surveillance Station moves cameras each 10 ...

I have configured the “home mode” of the “surveillance station” so that when I set it, it moves the interior cameras of the house pointing to the ceiling.


A small script that triggers the Home Mode of Synology Surveillance Station whenever a choosen device results connected to the same LAN.

Synology Surveillance Station: Home Mode | By Synology

Cameras can record continuously and stop sending notifications when you are present, but once you are away, cameras can record videos by motion detection and ...

Surveillance Station Home Mode with physical buttonsswitches?

Is it possible to configure in any way the Home Mode to be switched by a smart button such as the Aqara mini switch, or the Flic and so on?

Toggle Home Mode Schedule

I am currently using the Synology DSM integration with Home Assistant, which allows me to toggle the “Home Mode” of Surveillance Station using a switch in Home ...


HomeMode提供直覺的介面方便切換不同模式。您可登入SurveillanceStation一鍵切換、設定排程定時切換,或是開啟DScam的地理柵欄功能,偵測您是否遠離監控現場,並自動 ...,若您在HomeMode>排程已進行設定,SurveillanceStation將依據排程切換至HomeMode。如下圖,進入及離開HomeMode的時間點如藍色框所示。,InHomeModegotoSettingsandmakesureEnablethesettingofrecordingandEnablethesettingofnotificationareCHECKED.Inthe...